There's a whole lotta love this week and to compliment our mood we've got some lovely tunes from The Skagz, Bitch Slap Barbie, Lucifer Star Machine, Corrision and Raw Poo.
We have a brief interview with Alex from Wonk Unit, Paulyb's come up with a great word of the week, we have your Myspace/PodcastAlley comments, we discuss frottaging and there's more toothpaste related discussions, where is Total Talk Nonsense?, we discuss iTunes and possibly offend all of Belgium, Tony pulls an "Izzatwat" from out of the closet, Clitto is back with her Whore-a-scope, Poetry Corner returns with some true culture, we talk about the T Shirts and the Rogue Gallery, Judge Mental returns to finally lay rest to the license fee debate, we discuss Swindon and witchcraft and we take you on an unplanned quick tour of the Raw Poo CD!
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